Evie 28th April 2021

Darcy, words cannot even describe the loss this world has without you in it. I find it so hard to put into words the feelings I have but what I can say is that you will be missed more than you know. Right from the first day of Plymouth high you were always someone I wanted to call my friend and I can’t even explain how grateful I am to be able to call you that. You were there through all the laughter, stress and arguments and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I can’t tell you how much you have impacted my life and got me through things that I wasn’t strong enough to do alone- I’m sorry I couldn’t do the same for you. All the sleepovers, lunchtimes and lesson I will cherish for the rest of my life and will be so precious to me. There really is no one like you in this world nor will there ever be but I’m so thankful I met someone like you. You will always be such a loving and beautiful person and I will miss making memories with you more than anything. Rest in peace beautiful girl, I hope you found the happiness you were looking for. I love you always and forever 🤍🤍 Evie xx